Good Examples of charts and graphs

This design of chart and graph shows limited color use which is dark brown and green and hierarchy of font scale, delivering the message clearly. Huge title on the left top, expresses “collide” meaning through image and on the top right, indication of earthquake represent rate of magnitude by circles. Further, designer well divided section with each nation to quickly understand the information.

This image of chart and graph effectively conveys the message of how inflation affect your life. It is well organized with various colors and simple pictograms. Usually inflation is not an easy topic to explain in a simple way but this image suggests how we deliver complicated information through concise graphic.

This graph and chart shows comparison between metro area and rural area about the cost of small business’s internet connection. Black background and simple graphic effectively deliver the message. Just one thing bothers me is the wrong data of internet speed comparison on the bottom because internet speed in Korea is much faster than Japan.

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